BHDMC LogoSample Email to website. A sample email to demonstrate some formatting options available to you when posting to the site, You can just type your content and attache any pdfs or doc files and they will be displayed on the site with the option for the viewer to download them. If you would like to use columns within your post you can utilise the following code.
Column 1 content goes here. As you can see the text within the bracketed code is displayed in nice neat columns you can add images and links here, please do bear in mind the size of images the should typically be no more than 120kb in size and jpeg, and 500x450max resolution. any larger and they will not fit on the page. An example of an image within a post would normally be 250wx200h this would allow for the text to wrap around the image.
Column 2 content goes here. You may alter the width of the columns by altering the percentage accordingly, But ensure that the finished total always is equal to 100%, the padding is the gap between columns.
[end_columns] Once you have used you columns you may continue to write your post full width on the line below the last bracketed column code. The first image that is present in your email is used as the posts featured image, you can add a few images but make sure that there small in memory size and jpeg. BHDMC FacebookYou can view this template at any time at this link to give you an idea on its appearence, as a note if you use funny fonts or styling this will not be displayed and may cause your post to look strange. so just stick with text sizing, bold, italic, colour choices.